The Beginning

The beginning is important. Why you are starting something, what you plan to get out of it and how you are going to go about it, it's good to articulate these things to yourself. So should you ever start questioning yourself, you could come back to your notes and get a refresher.

About This Website

Every year I get hit with this urge to rebuild an about page or a small personal website. It's a lot of fun to work on and it's always intriguing to note what things you include and what you chooses to leave out altogether. This time I wanted something that looked professional like those newspaper websites. I wanted to write things that I am mulling over and I wanted posts that jump straight into it without preamble. And so Rafah was born.

What's in the name, you ask? When I started working on this, there was a war going on in Gaza. The war is still raging unfortunately. The name Rafah (pronounced Ruf-ah with a soft tone much like you'd say refine) was inspired by the border crossing Gaza shares with Egypt. Also I must admit the name has a certain aesthetic appeal to it.