
This is more like a bookmarking nook for online articles. Themes range from science to tech to geopolitics and such.

Since links here often include original scientific research papers and/or opinion pieces, please note that not all of these are recommendations or endorsements. Emphasis on 'bookmarking nook'.



  • It Was Raining in the Data Center (Link ↗)
  • You Are NOT Dumb, You Just Lack the Prerequisites (Link ↗)
  • Whose Domain Is It? (Link ↗)
  • The Salt of The Cosmos (Link ↗)
  • Progesterone shapes medial temporal lobe volume across the human menstrual cycle (Link ↗)
  • Ultra-high-field 7T MRI reveals changes in human medial temporal lobe volume in female adults during menstrual cycle (Link ↗)
  • The communal science lab (Link ↗)


  • An Integrated theory of false insights and beliefs under psychedelics (Link ↗)
  • China Rejects $1 Trillion Housing Rescue Plan Pitched by IMF (Link ↗)
  • Don't worry about LLMs (Link ↗)
  • Expectations contribute to reduced pain levels during prayer in highly religious participants (Link ↗)
  • The U.S. Wanted to Knock Down Huawei. It’s Only Getting Stronger. (Link ↗)


  • Toward robust mammography-based models for breast cancer risk (Link ↗)
  • The benefits of GLP-1 drugs beyond obesity (Link ↗)
  • Ranking Programming Languages by Energy Efficiency (Link ↗)
  • The ethical case is often unbalanced (Link ↗)


  • ASPI's Critical Technology Tracker (Link ↗)
  • Unbundling Corruption: Why it matters and how to do it (Link ↗)
  • Indonesia to accelerate nickel output despite low global prices (Link ↗)
  • Rich lode of EV metals could boost Taliban and its new Chinese partners (Link ↗)
  • On Asian Immigration to the United States, Hyper-Selectivity, and Hereditarian Musings on Asian Academic Success (Link ↗)
  • The cumulative effect of reporting and citation biases on the apparent efficacy of treatments (Link ↗)
  • Role of Inflammation in Short Sleep Duration Across Childhood and Psychosis in Young Adulthood (Link ↗)
  • Dietary fiber is a critical determinant of pathologic ILC2 responses and intestinal inflammation (Link ↗)
  • Central stress pathways in the development of cardiovascular disease (Link ↗)
  • Corporate America Never Really Quit Forced Labor (Link ↗)
  • Shell plant reported millions of ‘phantom’ carbon credits (Link ↗)
  • Reflections on a decade of coding (Link ↗)


  • The B Lane Swimmer (Link ↗)
  • Google Updates Ad Policy to Ban All AI-Generated Porn (Link ↗)
  • Why Everything is Becoming a Game (Link ↗)
  • A body–brain circuit that regulates body inflammatory responses (Link ↗)
  • What The World's Longevity Hot Spots Really Teach Us (Link ↗)
  • Comdb2 Bloomberg’s Highly Available Relational Database System (Link ↗)
  • Why We’re Turning Psychiatric Labels Into Identities (Link ↗)
  • The Greater Fools (Link ↗)


  • Mathematician wins 2024 Abel prize for making sense of randomness (Link ↗)
  • Ketogenic therapy towards precision medicine for brain diseases (Link ↗)
  • Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for improving depression, anxiety and distress: an overview of systematic reviews (Link ↗)
  • Problem choice and decision trees in science and engineering (Link ↗)
  • Women end up doing the academic housework (Link ↗)
  • Infant microbes and metabolites point to childhood neurodevelopmental disorders (Link ↗)


  • nothing for this one, i'm afraid


  • Influencer Parents and The Kids Who Had Their Childhood Made Into Content (Link ↗)
  • As family vloggers rack up controversies, some followers can’t quit them (Link ↗)
  • It’s a day in the life of a baby. On TikTok. (Link ↗)
  • Work hard and take everything really seriously (Link ↗)
  • Ancient cities discovered in the Amazon are the largest yet found (Link ↗)
  • Pleasures (Link ↗)
  • Buying Spying: How the commercial surveillance industry works and what can be done about it (Link ↗)
  • Spotify Gives 49 Different Names to the Same Song (Link ↗)
  • The Problem with Muzak (Link ↗)
  • Ditherpunk — The article I wish I had about monochrome image dithering (Link ↗)
  • All Good Sex Is Body Horror (Link ↗)
  • Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution (Link ↗)
  • Out of the Sandbox (Link ↗)
  • AI can’t give you good taste (Link ↗)
  • Notes on Taste (Link ↗)
  • Dune and the delicate art of making fictional languages (Link ↗)


  • Falken’s Maze: Game Theory, Computer Science, and the Cold War Inspirations for ‘WarGames’ (Link ↗)
  • Don't Believe Your Eyes - A WhatsApp Clickjacking Vulnerability (Link ↗) 
  • Retro on Viberary (Link ↗) 
  • “It’d be dystopian if all AI systems had the values of a 35-year-old male in San Francisco.” (Link ↗)
  • Researchers discover thousands of nanoplastic bits in bottles of drinking water (Link ↗)
  • Memory Failure (Link ↗)
  • Hard Disk Firmware Hacking (Part 5) (Link ↗)
  • What Progress Has There Been In Industrial Robots? (Link ↗)
  • The Puritans of Venture Capital (Link ↗)
  • The Series A Bust (Link ↗)
  • The Points Guy (Link ↗)
  • Inverted Priorities (Link ↗)
  • “No inventions; no innovations” A History of US Steel (Link ↗)
  • Debunking AGI inevitability claims (Link ↗)



  • VPN - a Very Precarious Narrative (Link ↗)
  • Cloudlord Management (Link ↗)
  • ‘Army and Arabs’: truth, play, and illusions in the West Bank (Link ↗)
  • Sex and age differences in “theory of mind” across 57 countries using the English version of the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” Test (Link ↗)
  • Can the Palestinians Mourn? (Link ↗)
  • No evidence of inflated mortality reporting from the Gaza Ministry of Health (Link ↗) 
  • Hallelujah! A Brief History of Bombing People (Link ↗) 
  • Anti-inflammatory effects of hunger are transmitted to the periphery via projection-specific AgRP circuits (Link ↗)
  • The Puritanical Eye: Hyper-mediation, Sex on Film, & The Disavowal of Desire (Link ↗)
  • I can't sleep (Link ↗)
  • Pain is not the unit of effort (Link ↗)
  • Manipulating synthetic optogenetic odors reveals the coding logic of olfactory perception (Link ↗) 
  • Cracking the Neural Code with Phantom Smells (Link ↗)
  • Historical Trails (Link ↗)


  • A Secret War, Strange New Wounds and Silence From the Pentagon (Link ↗)
  • Youtube’s Anti-adblock and uBlock Origin (Link ↗)
  • Using Livestreams to Monitor Crises in Gaza and Beyond (Link ↗)
  • Gaza, beyond de-development to disposability and destruction (Link ↗)
  • List of emerging technologies (Link ↗)
  • The β1-adrenergic receptor links sympathetic nerves to T cell exhaustion (Link ↗)
  • Hopeful pathologies in the war for Palestine: a reply to Adam Shatz (Link ↗)
  • Taking an Internet Walk (Link ↗)


  • Death by a thousand microservices (Link ↗)
  • Why we didn’t get a malaria vaccine sooner (Link ↗)
  • A wearable aptamer nanobiosensor for non-invasive female hormone monitoring (Link↗)
  • The Biological Basis of Sex Differences in Athletic Performance (Link ↗)
  • Unambiguous discrimination of all 20 proteinogenic amino acids and their modifications by nanopore (Link ↗)
  • Why False Energy Hopes Are Bad for Africa (Link ↗)
  • The Confessions of Marcus Hutchins, the Hacker Who Saved the Internet (Link ↗)
  • Meet Window Snyder, the trailblazer who helped secure the internet and billions of devices (Link ↗)
  • Network of South Asian Twitter accounts spreading Israel-Palestine war disinfo (Link ↗)
  • ‘Verified’ OSINT Accounts Are Destroying the Israel-Palestine Information Ecosystem (Link ↗)
  • NSO Group iMessage Zero-Click Exploit Captured in the Wild (Link ↗)
  • The Autocrat in Your iPhone. How Mercenary Spyware Threatens Democracy (Link ↗)
  • Bad Memory (Link ↗)
  • Charity as content: Mr. Beast and the philanthropy-entertainment complex (Link ↗)


  • Transient naive reprogramming corrects hiPS cells functionally and epigenetically (Link ↗ )
  • Translocation of gut commensal bacteria to the brain (preprint) (Link ↗)
  • I haven't shipped anything and I'm not going to make it (Link ↗)
  • To Boldly Go Where No Internet Protocol Has Gone Before (Link ↗)
  • Other People’s Busted Software is an Opportunity (Link ↗)
  • The Growing Importance of Desalination (Link ↗)
  • Barbie’s billion dollar meme machine (Link ↗)
  • Synthetically glycosylated antigens for the antigen-specific suppression of established immune responses (Link ↗)
  • 19 Scientists Who Have Saved the Most Lives (Link ↗)
  • Rude Awakening: Germany at War, Again (Link ↗)


  • Is there more to Alphabet than Google search? (Link ↗)
  • An Unsettling Hint at How Much Fraud Could Exist in Science (Link ↗)
  • Delftia tsuruhatensis TC1 symbiont suppresses malaria transmission by anopheline mosquitoes (Link ↗)
  • How HeadSpace Gets a Million Visitors a Year from this Zen SEO Strategy (Link ↗)
  • The case so far for Roundup as a contributor to testosterone decline (Link ↗)
  • Digital Sincerity (Link ↗)
  • A New Mode of Cancer Treatment (Link ↗)
  • Paper drinking straws may be harmful and may not be better for the environment than plastic versions, researchers warn (Link ↗)
  • Generative AI and intellectual property (Link ↗)
  • A high-performance speech neuroprosthesis (Link ↗)
  • A high-performance neuroprosthesis for speech decoding and avatar control (Link ↗)
  • Brain charts for the human lifespan (Link ↗)


  • The Bet (Link ↗)
  • What we don't talk about when we talk about building AI apps (Link ↗)
  • Notes on Ozempic (Link ↗)
  • Topological nature of the liquid–liquid phase transition in tetrahedral liquids (Link ↗)
  • Decreasing human body temperature in the United States since the Industrial Revolution (Link ↗)
  • Narrative Review of Sex Differences in Muscle Strength, Endurance, Activation, & Others (Link ↗)
  • Mechanistic Interpretability (Link ↗)
  • Medicine is plagued by untrustworthy clinical trials. How many studies are faked or flawed? (Link ↗)
  • Lord of the Operating Models (Link ↗)
  • The 2010s: The Decade of Influence (Link ↗)
  • In 128-degree Death Valley, a man dressed as Darth Vader ran a mile (Link ↗)
  • Study of Elite College Admissions Data Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its Own Qualification (Link ↗)
  • Transformers: the Google scientists who pioneered an AI revolution (Link ↗)
  • Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases (Link ↗)
  • What the 100% Renewables Literature Gets Wrong (Link ↗)
  • Large language models, explained with a minimum of math and jargon (Link ↗)
  • The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia (Link ↗)
  • South Asians are descended from a mix of farmers, herders, and hunter-gatherers, ancient DNA reveals (Link ↗)
  • Associations of Dental Health With the Progression of Hippocampal Atrophy in Community-Dwelling Individuals: The Ohasama Study (Link ↗)


  • Worst Practices (Link ↗)
  • My Approach to Building Large Technical Projects (Link ↗)
  • Stop Being a Junior (Link ↗)
  • Big Tech’s Biggest Bets (Or What It Takes to Build a Billion-User Platform) (Link ↗)
  • Spoonbill (2016—2023) (Link ↗)
  • Why Decline Is Never Inevitable (Link ↗)
  • Three Arrows Had a Fun Bubble (Link ↗)
  • The Neuronal Gene Arc Encodes a Repurposed Retrotransposon Gag Protein that Mediates Intercellular RNA Transfer (Link ↗)
  • South Asian medical cohorts reveal strong founder effects and high rates of homozygosity (Link ↗)
  • What are embeddings? (Link ↗)
  • Why Are So Many Girls On SSRIs? (Link ↗)
  • Make me think! (Link ↗)
  • Yale, University of New Haven partnership celebrates first degrees awarded to inmates (Link ↗)
  • Missing children found after 40 days in Amazon (Link ↗)
  • The Shadow Price of Venture Capital (Link ↗)
  • Controlled spontaneity: The secret UK government blueprints shaping post-terror planning (Link ↗)
  • Avoiding the Rewrite Trap (Link ↗)
  • What Happens When You Type a URL Into Your Browser? (Link ↗)
  • Architects and Anti-patterns (Link ↗)
  • The Birth of the Grid (Link ↗)


  • Total daily energy expenditure has declined over the past three decades due to declining basal expenditure, not reduced activity expenditure (Link ↗)
  • Evaluation of Brain-Body Health in Individuals With Common Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Link ↗)
  • The Long, Slow Death of Global Development (Link ↗)
  • Walking naturally after spinal cord injury using a brain–spine interface (Link ↗)
  • The Strange Story of the Teens Behind the Mirai Botnet (Link ↗)



  • Clustered versus catastrophic global vertebrate declines (Link ↗)
  • Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance (Link ↗)
  • Amazon - business breakdown (Link ↗)
  • How scaled to millions of users with Google Sheets as a backend (Link ↗)
  • How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline (Link ↗)
  • How much safer has construction gotten? (Link ↗)
  • Crypto Bank Had a Boring Collapse (Link ↗)
  • Twenty-Five Seconds Per Life (Link ↗)
  • The Demise of Silicon Valley Bank (Link ↗)
  • Startup Bank Had a Startup Bank Run (Link ↗)
  • Building a physician reference for 2023 (Link ↗)
  • How Discord Stores Trillions Of Messages (Link ↗)
  • Most Data Work Seems Fundamentally Worthless (Link ↗)
  • I give you feedback on your blog post draft but you don't send it to me (Link ↗)
  • People Think Minority Groups Are Bigger Than They Really Are (Link ↗)
  • How To Estimate Your 'Real' Risk Of Heart Disease (Link ↗)
  • Why Prevention Is So Hard (Link ↗)
  • 8 Golden Rules Of Cardiovascular Health (Link ↗)
  • Database Sharding Explained (Link ↗)
  • SVB Took the Wrong Risks (Link ↗)
  • Debit cards are hidden financial infrastructure (Link ↗)
  • Something pretty right: A history of Visual Basic (Link ↗)
  • What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work? (Link ↗)
  • The Malthusians Are Back (Link ↗)
  • The Class Politics of Instagram Face (Link ↗)
  • Everything I, an Italian, thought I knew about Italian food is wrong (Link ↗)
  • You’re Better Off Not Knowing (Link ↗)
  • DARPA Neurotechnology: The Deep Dive (Link ↗)
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson And Al-Ghazali (Link ↗)
  • Solugen: The first carbon negative molecule factory (Link ↗)
  • Solugen: Decarbonizing the chemicals industry (Link ↗)



  • How Claude Shannon Invented the Future (Link ↗)
  • NIH-Funded "Food Pyramid" Rates Lucky Charms Healthier Than Steak (Link ↗)
  • Lessons from Backing Over 100 Female-Led Start-Ups (Link ↗)
  • Did a Neolithic Cattle Cult Build These Sprawling Structures in Saudi Arabia? (Link ↗)
  • We Don't Have Nearly Enough Startups (Link ↗)
  • Roman vs Modern Concrete (Link ↗)
  • Generation Rent (Link ↗)
  • Squaring Venture Capital Valuations with Reality (Link ↗)
  • Gerade in dieser Krise sieht man doch den Wahnsinn der Atomkraft (Link ↗)
  • Balancing Growth with Margins and the Software Profit Curve (Link ↗)
  • Looking for Alice (Link ↗)
  • Redis Explained (Link ↗)
  • Everyone is beautiful and no one is horny (Link ↗)



  • Outsourced profits - the cornerstone of successful subcontracting (Link ↗)
  • Sleep prevents catastrophic forgetting in spiking neural networks by forming a joint synaptic weight representation(Link ↗)
  • The Case for a Longer-Term Oil and Gas Bull Market (Link ↗)
  • Deficit thinking and data visualization (Link ↗)
  • Mapping out the tribes of climate(Link ↗)
  • The Mystery Blips (Link ↗)
  • The New Conglomerates(Link ↗)
  • Old Valuations Die Hard (Link ↗)
  • The History of Obesity Research (Link ↗)
  • Trends and Disparities in Cardiometabolic Health Among U.S. Adults, 1999-2018 (Link ↗)
  • The cloudy layers of modern-day programming (Link ↗)
  • Duo, the Push, and the Bandits (Link ↗)
  • Megatons to Megawatts (Link ↗)
  • The rise and fall of peer review (Link ↗)
  • You can’t take it with you: straight talk about epigenetics and intergenerational trauma (Link ↗)
  • Things could be better (Link ↗)
  • The Blackstone of Innovation (Link ↗)
  • A framework to think about Google's AI worries (Link ↗)
  • The Evolution of Chips (Link ↗)
  • Criticizing Computers (Link ↗)
  • State of AI Report 2022(Link ↗)
  • Worn Out (Link ↗)
  • Netherlands: Dutch Continue to Reclaim Land from the Sea(Link ↗)


  • The Best Solution to a Large, Complex Problem Is the One That Uses the Least New Technology(Link ↗)
  • Digital health is just ecommerce all over again (Link ↗)
  • Don't specialize, hybridize (Link ↗)
  • How the Media Trains Journalists to Lie(Link ↗)
  • CZ SBF’ed SBF (Link ↗)
  • Critical Ignoring as a Core Competence for Digital Citizens (Link ↗)
  • Clinical Whole Genome Sequencing(Link ↗)
  • Why we’re not prepared for the next wave of biotech innovation (Link ↗)
  • The Mirage of European Sovereignty(Link ↗)
  • The More You Know, The More You Know You Don’t Know(Link ↗)
  • To America's Permissive Addiction 'Fix,' Critics Just Say No(Link ↗)
  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)(Link ↗)
  • Craft: Thoughts on elevating product quality(Link ↗)
  • Strava's Unbundling and Bundling: Why Didn't It Work (and When It Will) (Link ↗)
  • Semaglutide in top 300 US meds before 2032(Link ↗)
  • So you want to test your DNA (Link ↗)
  • Advice to the newish programmer (Link ↗)
  • From My to Me (Link ↗)
  • Twitter’s Timeline Algorithm Buries External Links (Link ↗)
  • Will Joe Rogan ever IPO? (Link ↗)
  • The Age of Acquisition(Link ↗)


  • Last in Line (Link ↗)
  • Shein and the Tech Cold War (Link ↗)
  • A Taxonomy of Moats (Link ↗)
  • K-Means Clustering (Link ↗)
  • The Middle Eastern Health Inequality Paradox and the Gender Obesity Gap (Link ↗)
  • Falling Not Far from the Tree: Entrepreneurs and Organizational Heritage (Link ↗)
  • Silicon Valley Genealogy (Link ↗)
  • Matrimony is one of India’s biggest businesses (Link ↗)
  • The Table 2 Fallacy: Presenting and Interpreting Confounder and Modifier Coefficients (Link ↗)
  • The Cult of the Individual (Link ↗)
  • I could do that in a weekend (Link ↗)
  • Making Energy Too Cheap To Meter (Link ↗)
  • How Artists Get Paid From Streaming (Link ↗)
  • Drought of the Sinking Delta (Link ↗)
  • The Myth of the Impartial Machine (Link ↗)
  • On Particle Physics (Link ↗)
  • Anything That Flies,On Anything That Moves (Link ↗)
  • Activism as a Vocation (Link ↗)
  • Legalizing Drugs is a Terrible Idea (Link ↗)
  • The Outsiders (Link ↗)
  • The Thirty-six Twitter Stratagems (Link ↗)
  • Five Ways to Address Complexity In Your Product (Link ↗)
  • The synergetic relationship between nature and nurture (Link ↗)
  • Companies Build “Capabilities” Before They Build “Moats” (Link ↗)
  • The role of insufficient sleep and circadian misalignment in obesity (Link ↗)
  • How social learning amplifies moral outrage expression in online social networks (Link ↗)


  • How Weed Became the New OxyContin (Link ↗)
  • Control the Metal, Control the World (Link ↗)
  • Our Private Kingdom(Link ↗)
  • How To Develop Good Taste, Pt. 1 (Link ↗)
  • Step-By-Step Guide to Searching for IP(Link ↗)
  • Sex Differences in the Developmental Trajectories of Impulse Control and Sensation-Seeking from Early Adolescence to Early Adulthood (Link ↗)
  • Dead of Winter (Link ↗)
  • Surprisingly Happy to Have Helped: How Underestimating Prosociality Creates a Misplaced Barrier to Asking for Help (Link ↗)
  • Possible viral infections in flood disasters: a review considering 2019 spring floods in Iran (Link ↗)
  • Archive of Drawings Unveiling the Complex Root Systems of 1,180 Plants (Link ↗)
  • On The Experience of Being Poor-ish, For People Who Aren't (Link ↗)
  • The Painted Word (Link ↗)
  • The Age of Distracti-pression (Link ↗)
  • Poor writing, not specialized concepts, drives processing difficulty in legal language (Link ↗)
  • Why It's Hard to Innovate in Construction (Link ↗)
  • Business models (Link ↗)
  • Autism genes converge on asynchronous development of shared neuron classes (Link ↗)
  • The Justinianic Plague: An inconsequential pandemic? (Link ↗)
  • STD epidemic in US is ‘out of control,’ warn experts, CDC (Link ↗)
  • Inflation kills off hopes for return of plant-based meat boom (Link ↗)
  • The American Education of Vladimir Putin (Link ↗)
  • Don't feed the trolls: never take unconstructive criticism personally (Link ↗)
  • Why are nuclear power construction costs so high? (Link Part I ↗), (Link Part II ↗), (Link Part III ↗)
  • The dribbblisation of design (Link ↗)
  • Human seasonal influenza under COVID-19 and the potential consequences of influenza lineage elimination (Link ↗)
  • Do Some Countries Discriminate More than Others? Evidence from 97 Field Experiments of Racial Discrimination in Hiring (Link ↗)


  • Why Is the Web So Monotonous? (Link ↗)
  • Reject the Algorithm (Link ↗)
  • Podcast Guests Are Paying Up to $50,000 to Appear on Popular Shows (Link ↗)
  • Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor? (Link ↗)
  • Wearable sensors for monitoring the physiological and biochemical profile of the athlete (Link ↗)
  • Understanding "longtermism": Why this suddenly influential philosophy is so toxic (Link ↗)
  • The Money Is In All The Wrong Places (Link ↗)
  • Failure to cope under capitalism.The inability to do basic tasks is not always a political problem (Link ↗)
  • Confused about Confusion (Link ↗)
  • Malthusian Malarkey (Link ↗)
  • Extending full-plate tectonic models into deep time: Linking the Neoproterozoic and the Phanerozoic (Link ↗)
  • When Data Fails (Link ↗)
  • Skills Plateau Because Of Decay And Interference (Link ↗)
  • Wealth Inequality Dynamics in Europe and the United States: Understanding the Determinants (Link ↗)
  • WTF Happened In 1971? (Link ↗)
  • Cancer in the Cold (Link ↗)
  • A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals (Link ↗)
  • Why AlphaFold won’t revolutionise drug discovery (Link ↗)
  • A Backtesting Protocol in the Era of Machine Learning (Link ↗)
  • The decline of good Hollywood movies (Link ↗)
  • Why is WebMD so awful? (Link ↗)
  • Ghosts of future past (Link ↗)


  • Sneakflation (Link ↗)
  • The Perils of Audience Capture (Link ↗)
  • The problem with being hot (Link ↗)
  • He Dropped Out to Become a Poet. Now He’s Won a Fields Medal. (Link ↗)
  • Retail’s ‘Dark Side’: As Inventory Piles Up, Liquidation Warehouses Are Busy (Link ↗)
  • Fear of Rampant Crime Is Derailing New York City’s Recovery (Link ↗)
  • The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic (Link ↗)
  • Blots on a field? A neuroscience image sleuth finds signs of fabrication in scores of Alzheimer’s articles, threatening a reigning theory of the disease (Link ↗)
  • The Million-Follower Factory: TikTok Is Making Everyone Famous—But Few Creators Are Cashing In (Link ↗)


  • Better eats (Link ↗)
  • “I Knitted to Save Myself”: Yassmin Abdel-Magied in Defence of Hobbies (Link ↗)
  • Language Myth # 6 Women Talk Too Much (Link ↗)
  • If it isn't going to work, just shut it down. (Link ↗)
  • Not all animals need a microbiome (Link ↗)
  • Ukrainekrieg: Russisches Erdgas kann durch Kernkraft ersetzt werden (Link ↗)
  • Enteric viruses replicate in salivary glands and infect through saliva (Link ↗)
  • How many lives have been saved by covid-19 vaccines? (Link ↗)
  • Serendipity in science (Link ↗)
  • Airbnb, Inc. (Stock Analysis) (Link ↗)
  • Why Airbnb is suddenly struggling to make money (Link ↗)
  • The West’s Green Delusions Empowered Putin (Link ↗)
  • NicheNet: modeling intercellular communication by linking ligands to target genes (Link ↗)
  • Inside the Secretive, Semi-Illicit, High Stakes World of WhatsApp Mango Importing (Link ↗)


  • The People Who Hate People(Link ↗)
  • AI-art isn't art (Link ↗)
  • The Inward Draw of Capitalism (Link ↗)
  • Against the survival of the prettiest (Link ↗)
  • A 3,400-year-old city emerges from the Tigris River (Link ↗)
  • Athleisure, barre and kale: the tyranny of the ideal woman (Link ↗)
  • Slavery and the Rise of the NineteenthCentury American Economy (Link ↗)
  • On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B (Link ↗)
  • With Goals, FAST Beats SMART (Link ↗)
  • Mechanical Watch (Link ↗)
  • Tool-makers usually lack connection to a serious context of use (Link ↗)
  • The overfitted brain: Dreams evolved to assist generalization (Link ↗)


  • How polyester bounced back(Link ↗)
  • The mystery of the miracle year (Link ↗)
  • What Happens When Most Media Is Produced for an Audience of One? (Link ↗)
  • Wet Bulb Temperature Soon to Become Leading Cause of Death (Link ↗)
  • CD38 links obesity, bacterial-induced inflammation, and reductive stress (Link ↗)
  • The Tech Bubble That Never Burst (Link ↗)
  • Why Germany is resisting calls to ease energy crunch by restarting nuclear power (Link ↗)
  • Luxury brands/ death by dilution (Link ↗)
  • No, Imran Khan Isn’t an Anti-Imperialist Hero (Link ↗)
  • How much does reducing inequality matter for global poverty? (Link ↗)
  • The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (Link ↗)
  • Things you're allowed to do (Link ↗)




  • ZIRP explains the world (Link ↗)
  • How Software in the Life Sciences Actually Works (And Doesn’t Work) (Link ↗)
  • Is Old Music Killing New Music? (Link ↗)
  • Whoever will pay for journalism, they will pay not for journalism (Link ↗)
  • Tech Brain(Link ↗)
  • Robinhood and Democracy Promotion (Link ↗)
  • Infertility: A Lifestyle Disease? (Link ↗)
  • This 22-Year-Old Builds Chips in His Parents’ Garage (Link ↗)
  • On a long enough timeline everyone sells ads (Link ↗)
  • Speed matters: Why working quickly is more important than it seems (Link ↗)
  • Fertility awareness and parenting attitudes among American male and female undergraduate university students (Link ↗)
  • Realizing a desired family size: when should couples start? (Link ↗)
  • Engineering brain assembloids to interrogate human neural circuits (Link ↗)
  • "You Don't Own Web3": A Coinbase Curse and How VCs Sell Crypto to Retail (Link ↗)